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Showing posts from January, 2016

An Introduction To Scripture Engagement

This was written with input from Several Scripture Engagement workers/Consultants. Introduction This short paper aims to introduce Scripture Engagement to those in Western churches who want to know more about its importance. All of us know something about Scripture Engagement, but we often know little about places where Wycliffe members and others are involved in Scripture Engagement, Translation and Literacy work. Scripture Engagement is What We’re Aiming For The impact statement of a typical project is ‘changed lives’ or ‘changed community’ as the result of engagement with scripture. Many people think we are about Bible translation. Well, yes, we are. But Bible translation is not the aim of the project. Bible translation is the means to an end and that end is transformed lives. Scripture Engagement Starts Before the Project Starts Before we start translating the first verse of scripture we, or rather a local translation committee, have to work out which part of